Proporcionado por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), consiste en una base de datos de Acidificación Oceánica para el Ecosistema de Afloramiento de Galicia. Estos datos incluyen mediciones de diversas variables oceanográficas y químicas, como temperatura, salinidad, concentraciones de oxígeno disuelto, nutrientes y clorofila-a, entre otros.
Puedes usar este dataset en la plataforma BigData con el commando ccmm.load('afloramento/csic_arios')
Descargar informaciónDatos básicos | |
name | csic_arios |
provider | CSIC |
url | |
description | Una base de datos Oceánica sobre Acidificación para el Ecosistema de Afloramiento Gallego |
data_units | data_description | data_type | |
EXPOCODE | Cruise identification standard code | string | |
STNNBR | Station number | double | |
CASTNO | Cast number | double | |
BTLNBR | Bottle number | double | |
BTLNBR_FLAG_W | Bottle number flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
DATE | Date as integer in YYYYMMDD format | bigint | |
LATITUDE | decimal degrees | Latitude in decimal degrees | double |
LONGITUDE | decimal degrees | Longitude in decimal degrees | double |
BOTTOMDEPTH | meters | Depth to bottom in meters | double |
DEPTH | meters | Depth of measurement in meters | double |
CTDPRS | dbar | Pressure from CTD in dbar | double |
CTDTMP | degrees Celsius (ITS-90) | Temperature from CTD in degrees Celsius on the ITS-90 scale | double |
SALNTY | Practical Salinity Scale (PSS-78) | Salinity in Practical Salinity Scale (PSS-78) | double |
SALNTY_FLAG_W | Salinity flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
OXYGEN | µmol/kg | Dissolved Oxygen concentration in µmol/kg | double |
OXYGEN_FLAG_W | Dissolved Oxygen concentration flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
SILCAT | µmol/kg | Silicate concentration in µmol/kg | double |
SILCAT_FLAG_W | Silicate concentration flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
NITRAT | µmol/kg | Nitrate concentration in µmol/kg | double |
NITRAT_FLAG_W | Nitrate concentration flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
NITRIT | µmol/kg | Nitrite concentration in µmol/kg | double |
NITRIT_FLAG_W | Nitrite concentration flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
AMMONIA | µmol/kg | Ammonia concentration in µmol/kg | double |
AMMONIA_FLAG_W | Ammonia concentration flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
PHSPHT | µmol/kg | Phosphate concentration in µmol/kg | double |
PHSPHT_FLAG_W | Phosphate concentration flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
ALKALI | µmol/kg | Total Alkalinity in µmol/kg | double |
ALKALI_FLAG_W | Total Alkalinity flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
PH_TOT | Total Scale | pH on the Total Scale at 25 degrees Celsius | double |
PH_TOT_FLAG_W | pH flag according WOCE BTL format | double | |
PH_TMP | degrees Celsius | Temperature at which pH was measured in degrees Celsius | double |
PH_TOT_IS | Total Scale | pH on the Total Scale at insitu (T,P) conditions | double |
PH_TOT_IS_FLAG_W | pH on the Total Scale at insitu (T,P) conditions flag | double | |
CHLORA | µg/L | Chlorophyll-a concentration in µg/L | double |
CHLORA_FLAG_W | Chlorophyll-a concentration flag | double | |
THETA | degrees Celsius | Potential temperature in degrees Celsius | double |
CRUISE | Cruise number in this dataset | double |